Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Greatest Thing I Have Ever Discovered

I know some of the things I write about sound crazy. They are certainly things no one else has noted before. I wrote a book called the Real Messiah where I argued that Marqe was one and the same with the heretic named 'Marcus' in the writings of Irenaeus. At the very least 'Marqe' is the Samaritan Aramaic form of the name Marcus. Is there an argument that can prove that they were really one and the same person?

Birger Pearson said that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Yet here is what I think is the ULTIMATE PROOF for my original assertion (this argument does not appear in the Real Messiah).

We have been examining the mysticism and gematria that are put forward on every page of Book Two of the Mimar Marqe, perhaps the most important work in the Samaritan tradition.

I have just demonstrated that Marqe used the Greek translation of the Exodus narrative (either the LXX or the Samaritikon) in my last post. This clearly supports an early date for Marqe. I think it also suggests an Alexandrian origin for his writings.

Now I want to take this argument one step further.

I am starting to wonder whether the Mimar Marqe may have originally been written in Greek or with Marqe at least being able to develop the same arguments in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. This bears an uncanny resemblance with the heretic 'Marcus' in the writings of Irenaeus.

Let's take Marqe's fascination with the opening words of the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1) - viz. 'then sang' in Mimar Marqe II.7.

אָז יָשר

The Greek LXX of Sir Lancelot Brenton that I happen to have by my computer reads:

τότε ᾖσε

Marqe draws attention to the first word in an Aramaic form:


But he also draws attention to אָז on its own.

Marqe also keeps mentioning the Sabbath and the start of Creation but no one has ever been able to figure out what the great kabbalistic secret he is revealing to his readers. I am certain he is interested in the very Christian understanding of the 'revelation of the ogdoad' - i.e. the number 8:

אָ + ז = 8
ט + ט + עַ = 88

I had the idea that Marqe was edging towards the 888 concept of Christianity but had to leave it at that ... until I looked at the LXX translation a little closer.

Marcus the heretic used a Greek numerological system which included an episimon as the sixth letter. With this addition the value of the word τότε

675 = τ (300) + o (70) + τ (300) + ε (5)

But then when I looked at Marqe's original narrative I notice that he takes a repeated interest in the whole phrase 'then sang.' Could the original Greek text of Marqe have pointed to an 888 lurking here too?

888 = τ (300) + o (70) + τ (300) + ε (5) + ᾖ (8) + σ (200) + ε (5) = 888

You betcha!

I know the world is not ready to think that Marqe was one and the same person as Irenaeus says inspired the heretics of Christianity but compare what is said in the writings in Irenaeus but read Book 1 Chapter 15.2 about 'Marcus':

But Jesus, he affirms, has the following unspeakable origin. From the mother of all things, that is, the first 4; there came forth the second 4, after the manner of a daughter; and thus an 8 was formed, from which, again, a 10 proceeded: thus was produced a 10 and an 8. The 10, then, being joined with the 8, and multiplying it ten times, gave rise to the number 80; and, again, multiplying 80 ten times, produced the number 800. Thus, then, the whole number of the letters proceeding from the 8 [multiplied] into the 10, is 888. This is the name of Jesus; for this name, if you reckon up the numerical value of the letters, amounts to 888. Thus, then, you have a clear statement of their opinion as to the origin of the supercelestial Jesus. Wherefore, also, the alphabet of the Greeks contains 8 monads, eight Decads, and eight Hecatads, which present the number 888, that is, Jesus, who is formed of all numbers; and on this account He is called Alpha and Omega, indicating His origin from all. And, again, they put the matter thus: If the first Tetrad be added up according to the progression of number, the number ten appears. For one, and two, and three, and four, when added together, form ten; and this, as they will have it, is Jesus. Moreover, Chreistus, he says, being a word of eight letters, indicates the first Ogdoad, and this, when multiplied by ten, gives birth to Jesus (888). And Christ the Son, he says, is also spoken of, that is, the Duodecad. For the name Son, (uios) contains four letters, and Christ (Chreistus) eight, which, being combined, point out the greatness of the Duodecad. But, he alleges, before the Episemon of this name appeared, that is Jesus the Son, mankind were involved in great ignorance and error. But when this name of six letters was manifested (the person bearing it clothing Himself in flesh, that He might come under the apprehension of man's senses, and having in Himself these six and twenty-four letters), then, becoming acquainted with Him, they ceased from their ignorance, and passed from death unto life, this name serving as their guide to the Father of truth. For the Father of all had resolved to put an end to ignorance, and to destroy death. But this abolishing of ignorance was just the knowledge of Him. And therefore that man (Anthropos) was chosen according to His will, having been formed after the image of the [corresponding] power above.

Come on people. It is time to recognize the great secret that the powers of the world have kept from you for almost two thousand years ...

Email stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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